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List of current executive and committee members

Alumni Executive

Pat Jeffery (Jensen '78)

Pat Jeffery (Jensen '78)

Elaine McKiel ('61)

Elaine McKiel ('61)

Sheila Padley (Carleton '64)

Sheila Padley (Carleton '64)


Marie Sushelnitsky (Maloney ‘70)

Marie Sushelnitsky (Maloney ‘70)

Recording Secretary

Rita Williamson (McAleese '51)

Rita Williamson (McAleese '51)

Honorary Past-President



Directors at Large

Patricia Bowers (Stark '61)

Patricia Bowers (Stark '61)

Membership | Banquet Registrar
Dolores Bramall (Tench '58)

Dolores Bramall (Tench '58)

Courtesy Committee | Archives Committee

Yvonne Stappler (Elliott '67)

Yvonne Stappler (Elliott '67)

Contacts Committee

Sharon Iversen (Kovacik '78)

Sharon Iversen (Kovacik '78)

Newsletter Editor
Patti Hnatiuk (Baird '70)

Patti Hnatiuk (Baird '70)

Member at Large

Newsletter Editors

Prepares and publishes the annual Alumni Newsletter; Sends the newsletter to all active Alumni members; Sends complimentary newsletters to selective Alumni members with approval of Executive.

Courtesy Committee

Sends appropriate cards. 

Contacts Committee

Contacts class representatives who, in turn, contact all Alumni members in Calgary and surrounding areas regarding date time and location of regular Alumni meetings. Signs in attendees at regular Alumni meetings. Collects monies for cost of lunch at Alumni meetings. Liaises with the webmaster to ensure the website is current.

Archives Committee

Collects and catalogues such memorabilia as is pertinent to the history of the School of Nursing and the Association. Liases with the Glenbow Museum, the Alberta Health Services archivist, the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA), and the Grey Nuns Regional Centre.

Banquet Registrar

Coordinates mailout of annual banquet invitations. receives banquet registrations and fees; forwards fees to treasurer. Collaborates with banquet planning committee in conjunction with the Executive regarding the duties.    

Nominating Committee

Consists of three members appointed by the President. Prior to the annual general meeting, calls for nominations for officers’positions on the Executive. calls for nominations. At the AGM, calls for further nominations from the floor for positions on the Executive. Presents the slate of candidates willing to run for office on the Executive. Coordinates the election process at the AGM.  

Ancestry Project

Collects biographies of alumni and updates archives.


Membership Committee

Maintains a record, including status updates, of all Alumni members. Submits the record annually to the Executive. Receives membership fees and forwards them to the Treasurer